Csaba Péter CSONTOS
PhD student
Publications by Csaba Csontos on MTMT
Phone: + 36 30 931-7759
E-Mail: csontos.csaba@ttk.elte.hu;
Office: 1.419, Southern Building, Lágymányos Campus
Postal Address: Eötvös Loránd University, 1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter stny 1/C
Global Environmental Problems on Earth /practice/ (Msc)
Research interest
My Ph.D. research is focuses on energy geographic in generally. Especially, I interest in hybrid district heating systems, which could play a key role in rapid energy transition in Hungary. Furthermore, the potential calculations of renewable energy sources and long-term energy modelling also among of my plans. Besides the environmental sustainability, I would like to investigate these topics in a social point of view as well, for instance: survey the potential of community power projects.