New research fellow appointed by the DOMINO-CLIMATE project: Gusztáv Jakab
We are pleased to inform you that Gusztáv Jakab joined the DOMINO-CLIMATE team in October 2023. He graduated from the University of Debrecen and completed his PhD at Szeged University in 2006. He is currently a senior lecturer at ELTE, department of Environmental and Landscape Geography.
His research is focusing on Quaternary vegetation development and climate change using plant macrofossils, but in recent years he has been dealing with the environmental archeology of medieval water management. His area of expertise is plant macrofossil studies, the determination of bryophytes, seeds, leaves, plant tissues and other macro remains. In his research, he also deals with the taxonomy and biogeography of the vascular plants and bryophytes of the Carpathian Basin, the landscape history of the Great Hungarian Plain, and GIS applications. His task in the DOMINO-CLIMATE project is to examine plant macro remains from alpine and lowland lake and mire sediments in the direct vicinty of Late Neolithic and Copper Age sites in Hungary and Romania.