Two members from our team attended the 22nd International Symposium on Chironomidae ISC22

Two members from our team attended the 22nd International Symposium on Chironomidae ISC22

The 22nd International Symposium on Chironomidae, held at the University of Niš in Serbia from June 17-19, 2024, brought together researchers specializing in various aspects of Chironomidae, ranging from taxonomical to environmental and ecological studies. Preceding the symposium, a workshop focused on the use of chironomids in paleolimnology, emphasizing the practical applications of these studies. Both the conference and workshop provided an excellent platform for the dissemination of the latest research, discussions on ecological impacts on the recent environment and its changes over several millennia, and the exploration of innovative methodologies within the field of Chironomidae studies.

Two members from our team, PhD student Eszter Tombor and postdoctoral researcher Aneta Formáčková, attended this conference and contributed with their respective presentations. Aneta Formáčková’s research centered on the "Holocene chironomid-inferred mean July temperature reconstruction from Lake Bâlea (2034 m), Southern Carpathians," while Eszter Tombor presented on "Ecosystem reorganizations and their drivers in the sediments of Pátka reservoir, based on compositional changes in the chironomid fauna." Both presentations were met with success and garnered valuable feedback, which is expected to foster further academic exchange and potential future collaborations. Notably, Eszter Tombor was awarded the prize for the best student presentation, underscoring the high quality and significance of her research.


Website of the conference: