New publication written by one of our colleagues

New publication written by one of our colleagues
Phacelia (Phacelia tanacetifolia) is an excellent cover, green manure and honey crop. One of its principal European seed production regions is north-western Hungary, where the recent withdrawal of a potent herbicide, linuron, created a new challenge for many growers. A scientific paper in this topic was written by the senior lecturer of our department and published some days ago in the journal 'Agronomy' that is ranked as Q1. The aims of the research was to identify the main factors determining weed species composition in the phacelia fields of the region and to assess the efficiency of tine harrow and clopyralid herbicide in the weed control. The article, which is first-authored by Gyula Pinke and last-authored by Ákos Bede-Fazekas, is available here.