Tamás SOHA
Tamás SOHA
doctoral candidate
Phone: + 36 20 598 48 78
E-Mail: soha.tamas@ttk.elte.hu
Office: 1.492, Southern Building, Lágymányos Campus
Postal Address: Eötvös Loránd University, 1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter stny 1/C
Publications by Tamás Soha on MTMT
Personal/other website:
Research interest
Sustainable energy management, potential evaluation of renewable energy sources with special focus on spatial distribution and planning using GIS softwares. Distributed, small-scale energy production and utility-scale storage technologies and their possible utilization in Hungary.
Current projects
Small-scale pumped-hydro energy storage potentials of Hungary;
P2G utilization with biogas-fired CHPs and their site selection support by spatial multi-criteria decision analysis.