Zoltán SZALAI, PhD
Zoltán SZALAI, PhD

associate professor
e-mail: zoltan.szalai at ttk.elte.hu
ORCID | 0000-0001-5267-411X |
WoS ResearcherID | L-5077-2014 |
MTMT ID | 10002480 |
Google Scholar ID | r04crjIAAAAJ&hl |
Scopus ID | 6602857644 |
ResearchGate | Zoltan_Szalai3 |
geoecology; environmental earth sciences (environmental geography)
list of featured publications (by research area)
Activities in doctoral schools
ELTE Eötvös Loránd University, Doctoral School of Environmental Sciences (ktdi.elte.hu/en): core member, head of the Environmental Geosciences Program
University of Debrecen: external member of the Faculty Doctoral Council (Faculty of Science and Informatics)
Academic activities
2021–2023 | Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) Dept. Earth Sciences; Scientific Committee of Physical Geography: secretary |
2018–2020 | National Scientific Found (OTKA) GEOEXT panel: panel chair |
2017– | Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) Dept. Earth Sciences; Scientific Committee of Physical Geography: member |
2016–2018 | National Scientific Found (OTKA) GEOEXT panel: member |
2011– | MTA Scientific subcommittee of Environmental Chemistry: member |
2009– | Hungarian Soil Science Society, member |
Scientific degrees
- 2001: PhD – Earth Sciences (ELTE)
- 2012: habilitated doctor – Earth Sciences (ELTE)
- 1995: biology and geography (ELTE)
- 1998: environmentalist (BME)