Presentation of Chironomid-Based Paleoecological Research at Zoological... Presentation of Chironomid-Based Paleoecological Research at Zoological...
Resilience of alpine lake macroinvertebrate communities to climate change... Resilience of alpine lake macroinvertebrate communities to climate change...
Potential distribution of invasive tiger mosquitos Due to their potential role in pathogen transmission, invasive mosquitoes… Potential distribution of invasive tiger mosquitos Due to their potential role in pathogen transmission, invasive mosquitoes…
The National Energy and Climate Plan should be rethought A new paper by the Energy Geography research team was published today, which... The National Energy and Climate Plan should be rethought A new paper by the Energy Geography research team was published today, which...
Switch to locally available renewable energy sources Members from our department (José Campos and Béla Munkácsy) co-authored the paper... Switch to locally available renewable energy sources Members from our department (José Campos and Béla Munkácsy) co-authored the paper...
Ecosystem condition map and bird species Recent policies have set ambitious targets to halt biodiversity loss… Ecosystem condition map and bird species Recent policies have set ambitious targets to halt biodiversity loss…
Progress report: Diatom analysis of Lake Latoritei As of 30th July 2024, limnic samples of Latoritei lake (Southern Carpathians, Romania), were assessed for fossil diatom study with about 62 samples... Progress report: Diatom analysis of Lake Latoritei As of 30th July 2024, limnic samples of Latoritei lake (Southern Carpathians, Romania), were assessed for fossil diatom study with about 62 samples...
Goatfishes and cross-validation – new publication In an era of ongoing biodiversity crisis, it is critical to map biodiversity patterns… Goatfishes and cross-validation – new publication In an era of ongoing biodiversity crisis, it is critical to map biodiversity patterns…
Global analysis of the specific climate periods Bioclimatic variables are chief components of models targeting climate change effects… Global analysis of the specific climate periods Bioclimatic variables are chief components of models targeting climate change effects…
Report: Balea Lake – Chironomid Analyses From September 2023 to June 2024, a detailed study of chironomids was carried out on the core from Balea Lake (Southern Carpathians, Romania). A to... Report: Balea Lake – Chironomid Analyses From September 2023 to June 2024, a detailed study of chironomids was carried out on the core from Balea Lake (Southern Carpathians, Romania). A to...
Lake Bâlea pollen analyses The pollen analysis of the Bâlea Lake in the Făgărași Mts, Romania has been completed. During the analysis, 116 samples were counted and 130 terres... Lake Bâlea pollen analyses The pollen analysis of the Bâlea Lake in the Făgărași Mts, Romania has been completed. During the analysis, 116 samples were counted and 130 terres...
Pigs in hardwood floodplain forests – new publication Free-range domestic pig keeping in forests is a millennia-old practice… Pigs in hardwood floodplain forests – new publication Free-range domestic pig keeping in forests is a millennia-old practice…
Soil organic matter and the environment – new publication Soil organic matter content and composition are fundamental properties… Soil organic matter and the environment – new publication Soil organic matter content and composition are fundamental properties…
Field research at Lake Bâlea At the beginning of July, members of the research group went on a field trip to the Fogaras Mountains and collected surface non-biting midge (Chir... Field research at Lake Bâlea At the beginning of July, members of the research group went on a field trip to the Fogaras Mountains and collected surface non-biting midge (Chir...
Survey and collection of modern diatom assemblages in the alpine lakes... A field excursion was conducted by our research team led by Professor Enikő Magyari from the 4th to 8th of July 2024, covering two lakes namely... Survey and collection of modern diatom assemblages in the alpine lakes... A field excursion was conducted by our research team led by Professor Enikő Magyari from the 4th to 8th of July 2024, covering two lakes namely...
Conferences in June We are happy to announce the two events that took place in October (22nd International Symposium on Chironomidae and 27th Hungarian Paleontological Meeting),... Conferences in June We are happy to announce the two events that took place in October (22nd International Symposium on Chironomidae and 27th Hungarian Paleontological Meeting),...
Investigating chironomid populations and aquatic biodiversity in alpine... From July 4 to 8, 2024, a scientific excursion to Romania took place to study different aquatic fauna and flora. Our team colleague, Aneta Formáčko... Investigating chironomid populations and aquatic biodiversity in alpine... From July 4 to 8, 2024, a scientific excursion to Romania took place to study different aquatic fauna and flora. Our team colleague, Aneta Formáčko...
Report from the Conference - 22nd International Symposium on Chironomidae... Representing our team, postdoctoral researcher Aneta Formáčková attended “The 22nd International Symposium on Chironomidae” and presented her work ... Report from the Conference - 22nd International Symposium on Chironomidae... Representing our team, postdoctoral researcher Aneta Formáčková attended “The 22nd International Symposium on Chironomidae” and presented her work ...
Two members from our team attended the 22nd International Symposium on... The 22nd International Symposium on Chironomidae, held at the University of Niš in Serbia from June 17-19, 2024, brought together researchers spec... Two members from our team attended the 22nd International Symposium on... The 22nd International Symposium on Chironomidae, held at the University of Niš in Serbia from June 17-19, 2024, brought together researchers spec...
Winners of the Bolyai Scholarship Every year, the Hungarian Academy of Sciences announces… Winners of the Bolyai Scholarship Every year, the Hungarian Academy of Sciences announces…
Adsorption of pharmaceutically active compounds - new publication Lili Szabó and her co-authors have published a paper in Chemosphere examining... Adsorption of pharmaceutically active compounds - new publication Lili Szabó and her co-authors have published a paper in Chemosphere examining...
Management zones and soil electrical conductivity Apparent soil electrical conductivity can indicate the physical… Management zones and soil electrical conductivity Apparent soil electrical conductivity can indicate the physical…
Physiological knowledge and the Japanese sea cucumber – new publication Species distribution models (SDMs) are important tools to estimate… Physiological knowledge and the Japanese sea cucumber – new publication Species distribution models (SDMs) are important tools to estimate…
Our PhD student's presentation on Roman-age vegetation changes at the 19th... Máté Merkl, our colleague, participated in the 19th Carpathian Basin Environmental Science Conference in Debrecen between 3-5 April. He delivered.. Our PhD student's presentation on Roman-age vegetation changes at the 19th... Máté Merkl, our colleague, participated in the 19th Carpathian Basin Environmental Science Conference in Debrecen between 3-5 April. He delivered..
The diatom shells capture climate change! When students or families hike among the mountain lakes of the Carpathians and pick up a handful of "mud" from the lakeshore, they are actually ho... The diatom shells capture climate change! When students or families hike among the mountain lakes of the Carpathians and pick up a handful of "mud" from the lakeshore, they are actually ho...