Presentation of Chironomid-Based Paleoecological Research at Zoological... Presentation of Chironomid-Based Paleoecological Research at Zoological...
Progress report: Diatom analysis of Lake Latoritei As of 30th July 2024, limnic samples of Latoritei lake (Southern Carpathians, Romania), were assessed for fossil diatom study with about 62 samples... Progress report: Diatom analysis of Lake Latoritei As of 30th July 2024, limnic samples of Latoritei lake (Southern Carpathians, Romania), were assessed for fossil diatom study with about 62 samples...
Report: Balea Lake – Chironomid Analyses From September 2023 to June 2024, a detailed study of chironomids was carried out on the core from Balea Lake (Southern Carpathians, Romania). A to... Report: Balea Lake – Chironomid Analyses From September 2023 to June 2024, a detailed study of chironomids was carried out on the core from Balea Lake (Southern Carpathians, Romania). A to...
Lake Bâlea pollen analyses The pollen analysis of the Bâlea Lake in the Făgărași Mts, Romania has been completed. During the analysis, 116 samples were counted and 130 terres... Lake Bâlea pollen analyses The pollen analysis of the Bâlea Lake in the Făgărași Mts, Romania has been completed. During the analysis, 116 samples were counted and 130 terres...
Field research at Lake Bâlea At the beginning of July, members of the research group went on a field trip to the Fogaras Mountains and collected surface non-biting midge (Chir... Field research at Lake Bâlea At the beginning of July, members of the research group went on a field trip to the Fogaras Mountains and collected surface non-biting midge (Chir...
Survey and collection of modern diatom assemblages in the alpine lakes... A field excursion was conducted by our research team led by Professor Enikő Magyari from the 4th to 8th of July 2024, covering two lakes namely... Survey and collection of modern diatom assemblages in the alpine lakes... A field excursion was conducted by our research team led by Professor Enikő Magyari from the 4th to 8th of July 2024, covering two lakes namely...
Investigating chironomid populations and aquatic biodiversity in alpine... From July 4 to 8, 2024, a scientific excursion to Romania took place to study different aquatic fauna and flora. Our team colleague, Aneta Formáčko... Investigating chironomid populations and aquatic biodiversity in alpine... From July 4 to 8, 2024, a scientific excursion to Romania took place to study different aquatic fauna and flora. Our team colleague, Aneta Formáčko...
Report from the Conference - 22nd International Symposium on Chironomidae... Representing our team, postdoctoral researcher Aneta Formáčková attended “The 22nd International Symposium on Chironomidae” and presented her work ... Report from the Conference - 22nd International Symposium on Chironomidae... Representing our team, postdoctoral researcher Aneta Formáčková attended “The 22nd International Symposium on Chironomidae” and presented her work ...
Two members from our team attended the 22nd International Symposium on... The 22nd International Symposium on Chironomidae, held at the University of Niš in Serbia from June 17-19, 2024, brought together researchers spec... Two members from our team attended the 22nd International Symposium on... The 22nd International Symposium on Chironomidae, held at the University of Niš in Serbia from June 17-19, 2024, brought together researchers spec...
Hungarian Paleontological Itinerant Congress in Eger (Magyar Őslénytani... The conference provided an opportunity to present the latest findings in palaeontology in the form of a lecture or poster, followed by a friendly d... Hungarian Paleontological Itinerant Congress in Eger (Magyar Őslénytani... The conference provided an opportunity to present the latest findings in palaeontology in the form of a lecture or poster, followed by a friendly d...
Our PhD student's presentation on Roman-age vegetation changes at the 19th... Máté Merkl, our colleague, participated in the 19th Carpathian Basin Environmental Science Conference in Debrecen between 3-5 April. He delivered.. Our PhD student's presentation on Roman-age vegetation changes at the 19th... Máté Merkl, our colleague, participated in the 19th Carpathian Basin Environmental Science Conference in Debrecen between 3-5 April. He delivered..
Holocene paleoclimate in the South Carpathians - Report from 19th Carpathian... Last week (3-5 April 2024) the 19th Carpathian Basin Conference for Environmental Sciences was held in Debrecen, Hungary. Holocene paleoclimate in the South Carpathians - Report from 19th Carpathian... Last week (3-5 April 2024) the 19th Carpathian Basin Conference for Environmental Sciences was held in Debrecen, Hungary.
The diatom shells capture climate change! When students or families hike among the mountain lakes of the Carpathians and pick up a handful of "mud" from the lakeshore, they are actually ho... The diatom shells capture climate change! When students or families hike among the mountain lakes of the Carpathians and pick up a handful of "mud" from the lakeshore, they are actually ho...
A diverse assemblage of sedimentary mosses was discovered in Lake Bâlea The Holocene reconstruction of the vegetation of the Carpathians above the timber line has so far proved problematic for researchers, as pollen stu... A diverse assemblage of sedimentary mosses was discovered in Lake Bâlea The Holocene reconstruction of the vegetation of the Carpathians above the timber line has so far proved problematic for researchers, as pollen stu...
Visit to Sultana On the last day of the conference Alexandra Anders, Gabriella Darabos, and Máté Róbert Merkl visited the Copper Age tell settlement of Sultana-Malu... Visit to Sultana On the last day of the conference Alexandra Anders, Gabriella Darabos, and Máté Róbert Merkl visited the Copper Age tell settlement of Sultana-Malu...
International field visit with geologists from the University of Bucharest In the past few days, we held a joint field visit with researchers from the University of Bucharest on the Teleorman plain (Romania). Le International field visit with geologists from the University of Bucharest In the past few days, we held a joint field visit with researchers from the University of Bucharest on the Teleorman plain (Romania). Le
Conference in Bucharest Three members of our department, Enikő Magyari, Gabriella Darabos, and Máté Róbert Merkl, participated in the conference „Three Sides of Every Stor... Conference in Bucharest Three members of our department, Enikő Magyari, Gabriella Darabos, and Máté Róbert Merkl, participated in the conference „Three Sides of Every Stor...
New postdoctoral fellow appointed by the DOMINO-CLIMATE project: Marina... We are pleased to inform you that Marina Vidhya joined the DOMINO-CLIMATE team in February 2024. Marina graduated from Slovakia and completed her ... New postdoctoral fellow appointed by the DOMINO-CLIMATE project: Marina... We are pleased to inform you that Marina Vidhya joined the DOMINO-CLIMATE team in February 2024. Marina graduated from Slovakia and completed her ...
Plant macrofossil studies from Iezerul Latoriței Lake The plant macrofossil analysis of Iezerul Latoriței Lake in the Parâng Mts, Romania. has been completed. Gusztáv Jakab, who recently joined the res... Plant macrofossil studies from Iezerul Latoriței Lake The plant macrofossil analysis of Iezerul Latoriței Lake in the Parâng Mts, Romania. has been completed. Gusztáv Jakab, who recently joined the res...
New doctoral fellow appointed by the DOMINO-CLIMATE project: Máté Merkl We are pleased to inform you that Máté Merkl joined the DOMINO-CLIMATE team in January 2024. He is a PhD student at Eötvös Loránd University... New doctoral fellow appointed by the DOMINO-CLIMATE project: Máté Merkl We are pleased to inform you that Máté Merkl joined the DOMINO-CLIMATE team in January 2024. He is a PhD student at Eötvös Loránd University...
New research fellow appointed by the DOMINO-CLIMATE project: Gusztáv Jakab We are pleased to inform you that Gusztáv Jakab joined the DOMINO-CLIMATE team in October 2023. He graduated from the University of Szeged... New research fellow appointed by the DOMINO-CLIMATE project: Gusztáv Jakab We are pleased to inform you that Gusztáv Jakab joined the DOMINO-CLIMATE team in October 2023. He graduated from the University of Szeged...
New postdoctoral fellow appointed by the DOMINO-CLIMATE project: Aneta... We are pleased to inform you that Aneta Formackova joined the DOMINO-CLIMATE team in XXXX. Aneta graduated from Charles... New postdoctoral fellow appointed by the DOMINO-CLIMATE project: Aneta... We are pleased to inform you that Aneta Formackova joined the DOMINO-CLIMATE team in XXXX. Aneta graduated from Charles...
Sampling in the largest Late Neolithic tell and horizontal settlement in... Sampling in the largest Late Neolithic tell and horizontal settlement in...
New postdoctoral fellow appointed by the DOMINO-CLIMATE project: Diana... We are pleased to inform you that Diana Hanganu joined the DOMINO-CLIMATE team in May 2023. Diana works also at the University of Bucharest and he... New postdoctoral fellow appointed by the DOMINO-CLIMATE project: Diana... We are pleased to inform you that Diana Hanganu joined the DOMINO-CLIMATE team in May 2023. Diana works also at the University of Bucharest and he...
New postdoctoral fellow appointed by the DOMINO-CLIMATE project: Ilona... We are pleased to inform you that Ilona Pál joined the DOMINO-CLIMATE team in January 2023. Ilona graduated from Eötvös Loránd University and compl... New postdoctoral fellow appointed by the DOMINO-CLIMATE project: Ilona... We are pleased to inform you that Ilona Pál joined the DOMINO-CLIMATE team in January 2023. Ilona graduated from Eötvös Loránd University and compl...